Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bullish on Canada

Are you Bullish on Canada? Michael Levy of Custom House gave his outlook on Canada in his final contribution to the World Market Update.

We start with energy because the vast reserves of oil and natural gas in the ground will some day make Canada the world's largest supplier of fossil fuels to the world.

When the method of efficiently extracting the oil reserves from the Canadian oil sands is perfected, and that could be a few years down the road, Canada will even match or surpass the likes of Saudi Arabia and become one of the richest nations on earth because of our ability to safely produce and refine energy products whose world demand continues to grow at record levels year over year.

The world will continue to need our commodities whether the aforementioned energy products, base metals, lumber, precious metals, water, power from the likes of Quebec (and B.C. once again as more hydro is produced in the decades to come), grains from the prairies, and the list goes on.

The list is endless and includes most all the base metals used in the manufacturing of just about everything from cellular phones to electronic devices to automobiles. Base metals that come from Canada.

Canada is the only country in the G-8 that does not have a budget deficit; in fact in the past 10 years where the U.S. national debt has almost doubled to over $9 trillion, Canada has actually paid off over $92 billion on our sovereign debt.

Canada is going to become the lowest taxed regime corporately in the industrialized world, with federal income tax on businesses coming down to 15% in the next five years; an invitation for industries and corporations of world to set up shop in our country.

Canada is safe geo-politically, has a stable government, and invites the world to our doorstep.

Our dollar will once again go back past the recent highs of November and could in years to come go to $1.20 or $1.30 U.S., or even higher as our economy explodes as the world demands what we produce.
Get the full story here.

REM: Agrees that Canada is well positioned to capitalize on its abundant resources. When the world does comes knocking on our door, the good fortune will spill over into the real estate market. Those areas that are close to the action (resources) will see strong gains in real estate value.

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